The Untapped Potential of TikTok Search Ads: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. While everyone’s eyes are on mainstream social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, there’s another player making waves – TikTok. Often perceived as merely a hub for viral dances and trends, TikTok is quickly proving its mettle in a facet that many might not have considered: Search.

TikTok: More Than Just a Trending Hub

TikTok isn’t just about scrolling through an endless “For You” feed. The social platform is rapidly becoming a destination for search, where users explore an array of information. From fashion tips to product reviews, TikTok offers a treasure trove of content that goes beyond mere entertainment. According to a 2021 study conducted by Material, a staggering 58% of TikTok users discover new brands and products on the platform, making it 1.5 times more effective for brand discovery than other social media platforms. 

What Exactly Are TikTok Search Ads?

TikTok search ads are just like any other TikTok ad, except these ads feature the new Search Ads Toggle that is activated during campaign creation. With the Search Ads Toggle turned on (it is automatically enabled), the ads will appear when a user utilizes the search feature on TikTok. These TikTok ads are targeted based on keywords and user behavior, making them highly relevant and effective.

Best Practices for TikTok Search Ads

Ready to give TikTok search ads a try? Here are some best practices to guide you:

  1. Keyword Research: Just like with Google Ads, keyword research is crucial. Understand what your target audience is searching for, and optimize your TikTok ads accordingly. Don’t forget hashtags in your research!
  2. Creative Content: TikTok is a platform where creativity thrives. Your TikTok search ads should be no different. Use eye-catching visuals and compelling narratives. Take advantage of today’s trends in your creative style. See our previous blog, Advertising on TikTok: Six Tips for Successful Creative for some inspiration.
  3. Measure and Optimize: Always keep an eye on analytics. Whether it’s click-through rates or conversion metrics, continually optimize your TikTok ad campaigns for better performance. 
Do TikTok Search Ads Perform Well?

This is the question everyone wants an answer to! Well, the jury is still out. We are currently testing TikTok search ads for multiple clients with varied success. Some accounts show campaigns with the Search Ads Toggle being our top performer, and others have produced zero results. Just like anything else, you’ll just need to test this campaign type for yourself! TikTok search ads may not be right for everyone – let the data guide you on the campaigns and formats that are best.

The Future of TikTok Search Ads

As TikTok continues to evolve and reach new audiences, so will the capabilities of its search ads. The platform is already experimenting with new features like voice search, making it even more convenient for users to find what they’re looking for. With TikTok’s monthly user base crossing the one billion mark, the platform is on a trajectory that marketers can’t afford to ignore. TikTok search ads offer an array of benefits that make them a must-consider option in any digital marketing strategy.

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