Paid Social Blog Series: 5 Thumb-Stopping Pinterest Ads That Will Grab Your Attention

20240222 -- Paid Social Blog Series 5 Thumb-Stopping Pinterest Ads that Will Grab Your Attention -- Kelsey

Pinterest offers an exciting opportunity for advertisers to reach Pinterest users who are in the market for a variety of different types of products, ranging from cosmetics to home decor and more. If you haven’t already toyed around with the idea of promoting your brand on Pinterest, check out our blog post If You Haven’t Considered Pinterest Yet, Here’s Why You Should.

If you’re a Pinterest user like me, then you know that the Home feed is an awesome hub of inspiration for all things crafty and self-development; but just as much as it is inspiring, the feed can also feel extremely cluttered and overwhelming.

It only takes seconds to scroll through hundreds of pins, making it all the more imperative that brands and advertisers make their pins really stand out if they want their audiences to engage with their paid content.

So, what makes a stand-out, thumb-stopping promoted pin? In this post, I’m sharing five examples of Pinterest ads that captured my attention and exploring the elements that allowed them to do so.

Ad #1: NYX – “Fixed!”

During my quest to find the most thumb-stopping promoted pins, I realized that my eyes were immediately drawn to video pins over static pins, and this ad from NYX is a perfect example. 

This Pinterest ad’s use of bold fonts and colors and attention-grabbing visuals makes it difficult to ignore when scrolling through the feed. After sifting through a sea of redundant-looking pins, my eyes immediately darted to this one as soon as it appeared.

This promoted pin creatively advertises the NYX Pro Fix Stick as the solution for a handful of common beauty concerns by showing the product in action, plus the resulting transformations. The social ad states the concern first with a close-up visual (such as “discoloration”), followed by side-by-side before and after videos with the text “FIXED!” to display and emphasize the product’s effectiveness at correcting these concerns.   

The constant motion and visual stimulation provided by this video ad made me continue watching to the very end, which is exactly what the advertiser wants! 

Ad #2: Target – “CEO of Fun Pants”

Target is a multi-billion dollar company, but its approach to this “CEO of Fun Pants” Pinterest ad is simple and extremely budget-friendly. 

The catchy text callouts and the focus on affordable pricing are what initially drew me to this ad, but the GIF-like effect created by the fast-changing images is what made me stay!

Made with professional pinners in mind, this thumb-stopping Pinterest ad grabs attention by showcasing as many styles as possible throughout the 11-second duration of the video. And, if the looks alone aren’t enough to compel you to click through, the video ends on a strong note with screenshots of raving customer reviews!

From the catchy text callout to the fast-paced visuals and inclusion of customer reviews, this Pinterest ad incorporates all of the top components that attract a potential buyer, such as getting them to watch the video through and eventually clicking through to purchase.

Ad #3: BetterMe – “28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge”

Talk about a crazy transformation!

The timelapse-esque opening of this video ad immediately drew me in – I had to see this woman’s final transformation!  

The incorporation of native-feeling elements, such as emojis and voiceovers, made this video feel more like user-generated content, which in turn made it feel less like an ad and more like a testimonial. I don’t know about you, but I’m much more captivated by a video of someone sharing their personal experience than an overly-produced commercial.

The quick screenshots of the app interface also give you a glimpse into the actual challenge itself, piquing interest in the offer and compelling viewers to click to learn more.

Ad #4: Tumble – “Washable Rug Hype”

I knew that washable rugs were a thing, but the moment I saw this visual, I was actually convinced I needed one. Needless to say, this Pinterest ad hooked me from the get-go.

Similar to the BetterMe 28-Day Pilates Challenge pin, this ad’s use of user-generated content-style creative made it feel extremely relatable. When I realized I would get to witness the rug’s water-repelling powers in action, I decided I had to watch until the end – again, giving the advertiser exactly what they want.

Additionally, the attention-grabbing text overlay was enough to get me to consider watching when normally I would have scrolled past yet another washable rug video. It made me wonder, “How is this rug actually different?” – and the video proceeded to answer this question!

Ad #5: Bask LA – “Never Damage Natural Nails Again”

This ad for a gel nail polish steamer immediately sucked me in because I felt like it was speaking directly to me. Spending hours removing pesky nail polish just to leave you with damaged nails is a scenario I can certainly relate to.

Similar to Tumble’s “Washable Rug Hype” ad, this paid social ad initially caught my attention with its text callout, and it convinced me to stay by demonstrating the product’s efficacy. 

After assessing which components of these compelling promoted pins were responsible for grabbing my attention, I realized that a thumb-stopping Pinterest ad should consist of a few key elements: A captivating hook, quick-moving visuals, native-looking elements, and a problem-solving storyline. So, next time you’re clicking “Create New Ad” in the Pinterest interface, keep these suggestions in mind so that you can be sure to captivate your audience!

Follow along in our paid social blog series to learn more about Unconventional, Thumb-Stopping Ads on Snapchat

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