If You Haven’t Considered Pinterest Yet, Here’s Why You Should

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If Pinterest is not in your marketing plan now, you could be missing out on Pinners that are proven to be open to discovering new products and ideas. Reach your audience where they are most ready to shop and implement new strategies with Pinterest. 


The Pinterest experience stands out in a huge way – personalization. Instead of mindless scrolling, users come to Pinterest to discover what they like while browsing through a feed built personally for them. Since the experience is unique to each user, Pinners can expect to be introduced to new ideas and products while scrolling. This presents a win-win for users and brands alike as brands reach exactly who they are meant to, and users are introduced to new products that really resonate with their everyday life. 


Now more than ever, users are feeling dragged down by social media. Adults spend half their waking time on their phones, yet more agree that they wouldn’t mind a break or deleting their socials altogether. Pinterest is different in that way, remaining on home screens while others get the boot. Many users agree that Pinterest is a mental health haven, not a burden. In fact, 8 in 10 Pinterest users open it to “feel positive” (about 3 in 10 say that about other social platforms). 

Standing out among other social platforms in positivity was no mistake. Recently, Pinterest joined the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM). The goal of GARM is to create a more responsible internet that works to keep users, brands, and advertisers safe. The partnership with GARM showcases that the strides for a more positive social experience on Pinterest are sincere and are rightfully recognized by users. 

In 2019 Pinterest introduced Compassionate Search, a tool that uses emotional well-being signals, such as searching for “stress quotes” or “work anxiety,” to produce activities Pinners can do to ease negative feelings. Pinterest wanted to create a more compassionate experience that adds to the positive environment users appreciate. A more positive environment brings more Pinners, allowing more opportunities for advertising and reaching new audiences.


In the past few years, content creators have made an impact on social media. According to Business Wire, 79% of users are influenced by user-generated content when making purchase decisions. That same trend carries over on Pinterest, where content creators have the unique opportunity to support and inspire people during key moments throughout the day.

Creators are held to a higher standard on Pinterest to ensure that the content they are creating is inclusive and compassionate. To do so, in April of 2021, Pinterest announced the launch of Creator Codes. These Creator Codes are a set of rules all creators must follow in order to create content that inspires users on Pinterest. The code outlines specific rules, including:

  • Be Kind: Ensure Content Doesn’t Insult or Put Others Down.
  • Check My Facts: Make Sure Information Is Accurate and Factual.
  • Be Aware of Triggers: Practice Discretion When It Comes to Visually Sensitive Content.
  • Practice Inclusion: Never Intentionally Exclude Certain Groups or Communities.
  • Do No Harm: Make Sure Any Call to Action or Challenge Is Safe.

While working to keep users safe, Pinterest is also working to keep content creators safe. Great content can garner a lot of eyes, including eyes that may not be so kind, fueling negative feelings. To combat this on Pinterest, new comment moderation tools have been released that put the power back in the creator’s hands. These tools are designed to provide an overall better experience, including:

  • Positivity Reminders for Pinners To Reconsider Potentially Offensive Comments Before Posting.
  • Moderation Tools for Creators, Including Comment Removal and Keyword Filtering.
  • Creators Can Feature up to Three Comments Within the Comment Feed To Highlight Positive, Honest Feedback.
  • New Spam Prevention Signals Using Machine Learning To Detect and Remove Bad Comments.

If your audience is among the 79% who use user-generated content to influence their buying decisions, or you currently utilize user-generated content in your marketing plan, this all should be something to consider. Positive creators who produce inspiring content reach more people, connecting users to more brands. 


Users and creators aren’t the only ones benefiting from a unique social experience on Pinterest. 92% of Pinterest advertisers rank it 1st on overall reputation among eight leading platforms. A large part of the high praise can be attributed to the unique tools offered by Pinterest. These tools resonate with users, as Pinners say they are seven times more likely to buy things when they are on Pinterest. Here are some tools to consider using that are exclusive to Pinterest:

Pinterest Predicts

“Before you see it everywhere, see it on Pinterest.” Most people have heard that saying, but not many understand it. While other social media platforms claim to stay on top of trends, Pinterest has a proven track record of providing advertisers with correct predictions.

They do so with Pinterest Predicts, a tool available to advertisers to browse for trends related to their brands’ business and potential new strategies. It doesn’t just give insight into what is currently trending but also what is upcoming to plan strategies proactively. The predictions themselves may seem strange, but ultimately provide unique opportunities for strategy.

In 2022, Pinterest predicts that “altbashes” or parties for life’s uncelebrated moments (such as breakups or getting fired) will be trending. These trends provide insight that may not have been uncovered before, with 8 out of 10 predictions coming true in the last three years. If “altbashes” isn’t right for you, other undiscovered trends might be. 

Shopping on Pinterest

Advertisers can now utilize Shopping on Pinterest to reach the right audiences at the right time and maximize sales utilizing the catalog. Once Shopping is enabled with a catalog feed or multiple, a Shop tab on your profile will appear—making it easier for shoppers to find products. View eligible Shopping partners here.

Checkout on Pinterest

Previously unavailable, users now have the ability to checkout directly on Pinterest. Users no longer need to open a new app or browser to checkout. All Shopping can be done in one action allowing Pinners to see it, love it, and buy it. 

Similar Products

In an effort to keep suggestions personalized, as users browse and shop on Pinterest, they can utilize the Similar Products feature on Pinterest. This allows users to tap an image to identify and shop for visually similar products by tapping on the labels and dots that appear on a Pin. This removes the guesswork of where to find something, as Pinterest knows exactly where to find it. This is beneficial for advertisers as it is an opportunity to showcase similar products via the tagging feature.

“I frequently bought from Pinterest when I was shopping for furniture and decorations for the house. I also use the shop similar products tool if I see an outfit I like and want something like it but can’t find it!”

Lex Olsen, JumpFly Social Media Specialist

Tagged Products

Utilizing a claimed website, advertisers are now able to tag products within Pins. Per Pin, advertisers can tag up to eight products at a time. This will help products become more discoverable within the Shopping feature, as well as with Similar Products.

Pinterest is one-of-a-kind, striving to reach the needs of users and advertisers alike with exclusive products and experiences. So if you’re like thousands of other marketers trying to reach people where they are most inspired and ready to purchase, Pinterest is the right addition for you. 

Not convinced yet? Check out these facts from Pinterest:

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