LinkedIn Ads for Lead Generation


So you want to learn about LinkedInโ€™s Lead Generation ads, do ya? Well lucky you โ€” youโ€™ve come to the right place. At JumpFly, we happen to know a lot about Lead Generation ads, and weโ€™re willing to spill the beans. The question is, are you ready for this? Are you truly ready?

Okay, settle down, folksโ€ฆsit back in your seats. The ground-swelling enthusiasm gained from that first paragraph has to be tempered because, at some point, LinkedInโ€™s Lead Generation ads need to be explained. Thereโ€™s no getting around it โ€” learning about ad types through a blog article can get pretty boring. If it helps, pretend that smooth jazz legend Kenny G is playing you his mystifying 1992 megahit โ€œForever in Loveโ€ while LinkedIn Lead Generation ads are described.

To put it simply, Lead Generation ads are just image ads where the link click prompts a lead form that is hosted on LinkedIn, rather than leading the user to the advertiserโ€™s website. Wait, what? Letโ€™s say it again. Lead generation adsโ€ฆare image adsโ€ฆthat prompt a lead formโ€ฆrather than a visit to the advertiserโ€™s site. Thatโ€™s actually pretty cool for both the user and the advertiser.

Below is an example of the lead generation ad in action. The magic happens when the user clicks the call-to-action button. There are a number of call-to-action choices to choose from, but in the example below, it is the โ€œSign Upโ€ button.

Hot tip: we have found the โ€œDownload Nowโ€ call-to-action option to be most effective.

Once the โ€œSign Upโ€ button is clicked, the lead form appears, and the user gives his information in exchange for collateral. We have had a lot of success with whitepapers, eBooks, and even links to previously recorded webinars. Choose anything that you think will truly be valuable to your audience, who is clearly showing interest in your product or service. Remember, they arenโ€™t going to give up their information for nothing in return, so it is extremely important that you provide them with some type of content that adds value.

Lead Generation ads are unique because they provide both the user and the advertiser with benefits, while both parties willingly do a little give-and-take. 

Letโ€™s start with the user. In this instance, the user is Dwayne โ€œThe Rockโ€ Johnson. The Rock is on LinkedIn, looking to see what opportunities are out there for him. He simply needs more opportunities. He stumbles upon an ad in his news feed promoting a whitepaper for a brand-new tool that can automate his leg days. The Rock hates leg days. Naturally, he wants to learn more, so he clicks the โ€œDownload Nowโ€ button, which sends him directly to a lead form while staying on LinkedIn. He happily gives you his contact information in exchange for a whitepaper with information on how to automate those godforsaken leg days.

If the advertiser had shown The Rock a standard LinkedIn image ad, that link click would have sent him to the advertiserโ€™s website. The beauty of Lead Generation ads is that the user never leaves LinkedIn, which leads to much higher conversion rates. Rather than forcing The Rock to fat-finger his way through your website to find a lead form, he gets a pre-filled lead form directly on LinkedIn that encourages him to simply press the โ€œSubmitโ€ button. Boom. Done. Also, the lead form is completely customizable โ€“ we prefer the combination of Name, Phone Number, Work Email, Company, and Industry.

The Rock hits โ€œSubmit,โ€ and he receives his whitepaper teasing the automation of leg days that he so desperately wants. Your sales team obtains his contact information so that they can reach out via email or phone. The Rock is pumped up about the opportunity to automate his leg days, and you are excited to reach out to this warm lead. Do you smell what Lead Generation ads are cooking? They take away user frustration by simplifying the process. And from an advertiserโ€™s standpoint, the leadโ€™s contact information is housed directly on LinkedIn and can be easily downloaded into Excel.

Setting up the ads is quite simple. All you need is an impactful image, some action-oriented text, and a piece of collateral that the user can download or view. Audience targeting is also very easy โ€“ just keep the audience sizes small enough so that you are confident you are reaching the right people. Depending on how niche the product or service you offer is, that sweet spot could be between 80,000 to 300,000 people. 

The most important takeaway for advertisers is that you absolutely have to have downloadable content that provides value to the user, who thankfully is showing enough interest to give you their information in exchange for that collateral. Answer these fundamental questions: Who are you as a company? What problem does your product or service solve? How did The Rock manage to beat Stone Cold Steve Austin in Wrestle Mania XIX? Give them just enough information so that when the time comes, they will welcome a call from your sales team. Without that hook, you may still get leads, but they wonโ€™t pick up the phone or answer your emails if the collateral they signed up for falls flat. 

For businesses that rely on leads, our digital marketing experts at JumpFly have found Lead Generation ads to be the most cost-effective, highest-converting ad type available on LinkedIn. They simplify the process for both parties while providing both the user and the advertiser with valuable information. Give them a try today!

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