ChatGPT Use Cases & Other AI Programs for Amazon Content

Product content is a key factor in achieving success in eCommerce, especially on Amazon. As ChatGPT, Bard, Midjourney, DALL-E, and many other AI content generators emerge, even large-scale studios, such as Disney, are participating in the use of AI for commercial enterprises.

Let’s dive into the use cases and the potential of generative AI for Amazon content for both enterprise businesses and small businesses, and everything in between.

Using AI for Amazon Copy

Copy is an incredibly important piece of a brand or product’s potential success on Amazon. For a single product, the title, product description, and bullet points should be optimized for search and consumer information. Other merchandising features on Amazon, such as A+ Content and Posts, also need to feature written copy. 

While it’s tempting to tap into generative AI to create titles and product descriptions, it’s key to note that at this time of writing, AI cannot distinguish between facts and fiction. This is important to keep in mind, as Amazon and various governing bodies have rules in place to protect consumers from inaccurate or misleading claims. One of the first guidelines mentioned in Amazon’s Code of Conduct is that sellers must “Provide accurate information to Amazon and our customers at all times.”

Since AI cannot reliably distinguish between factual and fictitious information, it is essential for a human copy editor to fact-check any writing generated by AI. While this may not seem like a time-saving use of AI for Amazon copy, this has the potential to help human writers brainstorm product descriptions or Posts if they’re facing writer’s block or need help outlining.

Using AI for Visual Media on Amazon

Amazon has very specific guidelines for images used on their site, from specific rules for what to use as the hero or main image of a product to category-specific guidelines for images, such as apparel. Not only is having a quality hero image important for a product but also having multiple images leads to higher conversions.

Frequent obstacles for Amazon sellers are the lack of product images and videos available for use on the product detail page and in advertising. Amazon does have a Video Builder tool for creating Amazon-compliant content for use in advertising in order to address this need to a certain extent. Some sellers and advertisers may choose to purchase images on Shutterstock for use on Amazon if creating new images in-house is not feasible at the time.

AI art generators have continued to improve, so much so that there are multiple free and paid AI image creators available to choose from based on your use case. DALL-E 2 by OpenAI is not copyrighted, and as of this writing, there are no laws restricting the use of AI art commercially.

If you’re diligent in creating clear, specific prompts for AI art, it’s possible to create high-quality images for your products, even in situations where your business may lack additional resources to create content.

The Question of Copyright and Terms of Service

As AI content generators continue to learn and evolve, the regulations behind AI-generated content are either lagging or nonexistent at this time of writing. There is even a suggestion that AI-generated content may be regulated as a unique case. It’s important to ask what can be done now, in the present moment. Copyright protection in the United States is dependent on who the author of the work is and if they are human. The U.S. Copyright Office will not register a work of authorship unless it is created by a human being.

The key takeaway is that any content used on Amazon, AI-generated or otherwise, must be checked in order to make sure it complies with Amazon’s content policies. However we feel that the progress of AI tools will continue to aid Amazon sellers in generating content ideas, optimizing product pages, and creating images and other assets. Where content used to be a bottleneck due to expense, bandwidth, or lack of a dedicated team for some businesses, AI is a great option to get over those hurdles as long as the content is double-checked or edited by a human.

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