Walmart Marketplace and the Coveted Pro Seller Badge

When it comes to the world of eCommerce, the landscape is constantly changing and evolving. If you want to stay on top of the competition and continue to grow your online business, any competitive edge you can find is crucial to success. One major marketplace,, has a variety of different opportunities to help you stand out from the competition. One such opportunity is their Walmart Pro Seller Badge. This badge not only allows you to stand out from other sellers on their platform but is also a great way to increase your visibility, as well as the trust you earn from your customers, which can result in higher sales in the long run. In this post, we will dive into the importance of the Pro Seller Badge on, its benefits, as well as how you earn it and leverage it to boost your online business with

The Importance of the Pro Seller Badge

As a seasoned eCommerce professional, you have surely heard about the importance of badges and certifications. From the Amazon’s Choice badge, to the Prime Badge, as well as Walmart+ badges and other accolades you can earn as an online seller, there are several opportunities for you to boost your online presence via badges and certifications. These badges serve as a great opportunity to build trust with your customers and show how dedicated you are to providing the best possible online shopping experience. The Walmart Pro Seller Badge is no exception. The trust this badge inspires in the customer, the improved placement of your product listings, and the elevated visibility it offers make earning the Walmart Pro Seller Badge an important part of selling on 

  • Elevated Visibility: The Pro Seller badge is given to Walmart Sellers who meet all the strict criteria set by Walmart. This allows you to stand out from your competitors on the platform and ensures customers that you are one of the premier sellers in the marketplace. Along with the enhanced visibility, it is also a great way to show customers your brand is trusted by Walmart, one of the largest retail businesses in the world. 
  • Buyer Trust: One of the most essential pieces when it comes to driving success for your brand online is trust. With the Walmart Pro Seller Badge, Walmart verifies that you are one of their most trusted sellers. This increases not only your presence on the platform but also the credibility that you have with customers on the site. 
  • Better Placement: Other than adding a great aesthetic to your product listing, the Walmart Pro Seller Badge is a major addition to your product page in a multitude of ways. It can have a great influence on where your product shows on Walmart’s search results, as well as increasing the visibility and traffic to your pages. This can ultimately lead to more sales on the platform.
How to Earn the Pro Seller Badge

The Pro Seller Badge is something that Walmart takes very seriously. Thus, the requirements to earn this badge encompass a broad scope of different factors that influence the customers’ buying journey. It is awarded to those who consistently meet specific performance metrics and criteria set by and have been selling on the platform for at least 90 days with 250+ orders in the same time frame. These criteria reset every 90 days, so consistent performance and dedication to the customer buying journey are crucial to obtaining this badge. In this section, we will discuss what it takes to earn and retain the Walmart Pro Seller Badge.

  • Exceptional Customer Service: To earn the Pro Seller Badge, you will need to provide excellent customer service. This includes quick response times and efficient order processing. Walmart gives priority to sellers who prioritize customer satisfaction, requiring both a Seller Response Rate of greater than 95% in the last 30 days and no violations of their Trust and Safety or Performance Standards.
  • Fulfillment Performance: Meeting or exceeding Walmart’s fulfillment criteria is crucial to success on the platform. This includes Saturday and/or Sunday delivery, Lag time of 1 or less business days, On-time delivery of 95%, and actual delivery being within 2 days of the promised delivery date.
  • Low Cancellation Rates: Keeping your order cancellation rates low is seen as a must in Walmart’s eyes. High cancellation rates are a quick way to diminish your online business and lose any potential for a Pro Seller Badge. Walmart requires Seller-Accountable Cancellations to be less than 1.5% for the last 90 days.
Walmart’s Pro Seller Badge Criteria:
  • Seller-Accountable On-Time Delivery: ≥95% in the last 90 days
  • Seller-Accountable Cancellations: ≤1.5% in the last 90 days
  • Seller Response Rate: ≥95% in the last 30 days
  • Actual vs. Promised Delivery: ≤2 calendar days difference
  • Weekend Delivery: Saturday and/or Sunday delivery enabled
  • Lag Time: ≤1 business day lag time on the entire catalog
  • Orders: more than 250 in the last 90 days
  • Seller is active for at least 90 days
  • No violations of Trust & Safety or Performance Standards
Leveraging the Pro Seller Badge for Success

Now that we know the opportunities as well as what it takes to earn the Pro Seller Badge on, let’s discuss how you can leverage it to increase the chances of success on Walmart’s marketplace platform.

  • Price Competitiveness: With the Pro Seller Badge, you already have an edge over the competition. While this may be a stand-out factor, pricing also plays a huge role in terms of converting on-site. Customers often favor sellers who have the most competitive prices, especially when it comes to product categories with multiple options for them to choose from. Even if you do not have the best price on the market, the Pro Seller Badge can help you stand out from the competition, but consistent evaluation of your pricing strategies is essential for continued success on
  • Product Listing Optimization: Another important factor when leveraging your newly earned Pro Seller Badge is listing optimization. Providing high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and competitive prices are surefire ways to attract additional customers to your page. With the enhanced visibility of the Pro Seller Badge, you will need to make sure your listings are fully optimized, offering you the best chances of converting the sale.
  • Customer Engagement: Pro Sellers have a great opportunity to engage with customers about their purchases. This includes post-sale follow-ups, feedback, and review collection, as well as the opportunity to address any concerns that your customers may have. Having a customer-centric approach can lead to repeat business, as well as positive reviews, which will, in turn, build upon your success on the platform and your overall rank.

The Walmart Pro Seller Badge is not only a great addition to your product listing but also a powerful tool for eCommerce success that builds trust within the vast ecosystem. It also offers a great opportunity to grow your brand online.

By understanding the importance of this badge, meeting the criteria set by Walmart, and leveraging your status to your advantage, you can elevate your brand’s presence on and drive your business to new heights. Earning the Walmart Pro Seller Badge helps you capitalize on all that has to offer.

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