3 Ways To Protect Your Business’s Social Media Accounts & What To Look Out For

In this day and age, many of us are aware of how prevalent cyber hacking has become, particularly on social media platforms. Most of the time, when these attacks occur, it happens quickly and abruptly, leaving us in the dark as to how and why our information was taken. The process can be defiling and leaves many users who fall victim feeling helpless due to the grueling measures it can take to recover your account. It is a situation not many would dream of being a part of, to say the least. 

The good news is that there are various steps that you can take to secure your account and ensure you are not the next victim of one of these events. We know you work hard to grow your social following, so read on to make sure you are taking the proper measures to ensure that your public profiles are safe! 

3 Ways To Protect Your Business Account on All Social Platforms

  1. Set Up Two-Factor Authentication

This setting will be found on all social media interfaces under your account settings information. Typically, the toggle for two-factor authentication defaults to “off” when you first create your account. It is extremely important to ensure that this is turned on and set up with a mobile phone number that is not listed publicly within your profile or on your website. Some platforms may also offer other methods of authentication, such as an authenticator app, if a mobile device is not an option for you and your business. 

Having this functionality activated gives your account an extra layer of security beyond the username and password. With this enabled, users will not be able to obtain access without the designated code that is delivered to an alternative device. While it may seem a bit taxing to enter a code each time you log in, it is a critical step in ensuring your account will not be easily compromised. 

  1. Make Your Passwords Strong and Secure 

We all know it can be easy to get into the habit of creating the same password for every account, but unfortunately, it is not the best way to keep your accounts secure. Using the same password for all platforms essentially opens up a gateway for a hacker to compromise all accounts just by gaining access to one, especially if the same email is also used across the board. 

The best way to create a secure password is to make it long and hard to remember. Ughhh, I know, not the advice you were hoping for, but it’s the only way! Creating a password that is a jumble of letters, numbers, and special characters that have no connection to you or your personal information is the best route to take.

For example, instead of using your pet’s name like Fluffy24!, it would be better to use something like j4o$kM6s+u^df@. For added security, it is also recommended that you change your passwords at least every six months. 

If you struggle to remember your passwords, there are several options for saving them within your system that do not require you to keep track of them with pen and paper. 

  1. Check Your Connected Information 

One step that is frequently overlooked when securing your account is the personal information inputted during setup. It is recommended to set up your account with an email address that is not directly accessible on your website or public profile.

Oftentimes, business information is publicly displayed, so if the visible email or phone number was used to set up the account, it is already giving a potential hacker one piece of the account login puzzle. 

What To Look Out for That May Compromise Your Account 

Suspicious Security Alert Emails

Many times hackers will attempt to obtain sensitive account information by sending emails that appear as though they are being sent by a social platform as a security alert. Most of the time, these emails will include prompts to click a link and input your login information. Some may even have landing pages that appear very similar to the platform itself in an attempt to convince users they are on the platform. 

The first step to understanding if these are legitimate is to check the email of the sender. For example, an email from Facebook would come from the domain fb.com, but a trickster email may be from a sender with the domain of facebook.support123.com or even a completely different URL entirely. The second step is to look closely at the language of the email. Most of the time, emails from social platforms regarding account warnings will include graphics instead of just text.

When you receive these emails, it is best to go to the account in question and change the password directly within the interface. This way, there will be no question or doubt about where your information is going, and it also gives you peace of mind that your account is once again secure. 

Invasive Direct Messages 

Any direct messages, Snapchats, etc., that request personal information or try to prompt you to give information should not be trusted, even if they are from a known sender. It is becoming more common that hackers are accessing one account and utilizing that account to get personal information from their followers. 

It is typical for these messages to request help with accessing an account, money, or even login information, using the victim’s personal connections to further invade other accounts. It can be easy to want to help out a friend, but in these scenarios, it could be what places your account at risk. 

To avoid potentially compromising situations, especially if you are unsure if the individual is really in need of help, it is recommended to contact them via an alternative method to confirm. If the only access point you have to them is within that platform, asking questions about where you met or information only the account owner knows will help you determine the legitimacy of the message. 

Ultimately, we know how important your business is to you, and therefore, taking the necessary steps to protect it on social platforms will help you avoid account-compromising situations. Hackers have their sneaky ways of obtaining information, but solidifying security on your end and keeping an eye out for these tricks minimizes your chances of becoming their next victim. We don’t want to make it easy for them anyways! 

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