Amazon Ads Isn’t the Instant Gratification You’re Looking for

20200819 -- Amazon Ads Instant Gratification -- Dan

Whether you are an established Amazon seller or someone who just launched products on Amazon, my advice is the same: Don’t expect overnight success. 

If you are looking for a “get rich quick” option or instant gratification, Amazon advertising may be the wrong place. Depending on the type of strategy you implement, it can take weeks, or months, to achieve your goals … or even to see the needle move in the right direction.

Long-term success on Amazon ads requires a solid foundation and a strategic approach to account structure. Don’t cut corners to prioritize faster sales, and jeopardize longer-term success in the process.

You’re a consumer, too — think about how you typically make your purchasing decisions. Key factors probably include price, positive reviews, prime eligibility, and the quality of the information found on the product detail page. 

Optimize Your Amazon Product Pages

Personally, when I’m having trouble deciding between two products, I will usually purchase the item that has better pictures and information. Those details give me the confidence I need to pull the trigger.

Do your Amazon product detail pages contain the information you would need to make a purchase decision?

That’s the first step. Before you launch a single ad, optimize the content on your product pages. They need to stand out amongst the competition to convert the ad traffic you’re paying to send to them. 

Skip this critical first step and even the perfect ad will not bring you the sales you need to justify the ad campaign.

After content creation and optimization is complete, you’ll start seeing more profit from your ads. But even with a good foundation ensuring that ads are shown to the ideal customers, it can still take some time to start seeing the peak sales and profit you need.

Focus on Amazon Algorithmic Metrics

Amazon’s algorithm awards placement to products with stronger organic performance, which can dramatically increase that seller’s sales. Obviously, your non-paid organic listings need to show more often and higher up on the search results page. 

To accomplish this, you need more purchases, reviews, clicks, views, etc. But the fastest way to get more is to pay for them through advertising. Depending on how competitive your market is, this process can take weeks, months, or even years — and it can be expensive as well. 

Still, it’s worth the effort because sellers who reach the top of the Amazon mountain reap the bounty of their hard work and patience.

But don’t let the lack of instant gratification deter you from advertising on Amazon. All digital marketing strategies reward stronger performance over longer periods of time to those who set a solid foundation and do the right things right.

Amazon has truly become COVID-19’s ecommerce destination. The pandemic has permanently shifted consumer buying habits. I’ve seen Amazon sellers and vendors take advantage of this trend to increase their revenue exponentially into the hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars. 

All it takes the right products, the right strategy, some hard work, and patience. 

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