Google Launches New Ads Creative Studio

The latest addition to Google’s arsenal of digital marketing tools and features will be its new Ads Creative Studio. Not yet available to all advertisers, this new feature is still in beta and requires you to contact support to have access to it. 

What is it?

Ads Creative Studio will be an all-encompassing home for all your creative needs combining tools previously used across other Google platforms like YouTube, Display & Video 360, and Campaign Manager 360. This new platform includes various features that were previously only available to a limited number of advertisers but will be available under Ads Creative Studio—combining the power of Google’s tools to create seamless cooperation between your display, video, and audio content for your business. By bringing all these features together, Google plans to improve collaboration across your internal teams and create a robust asset library. 

You will be able to access the “hub” and build, preview, and test ad creatives all in one place. Imagine Google Drive, which works similarly, but you can physically create the content to be shared or work alongside coworkers to coordinate and collaborate on specific projects within the application.

Exciting Features

  • Upload any assets to the creative library, including those for video, audio, and display. Designers can then use these within Ads Creative Studio or outside of it to produce finished products.
  • Collaborate within the project library with team members, and customize the assets that your team decides fit for the customers.
  • Submit work to management or a Google QA team for approval, and test to see if your content will be approved or disapproved before submitting it to the destination platform.
  • Send assets or finished ad content to your client for approval or further collaboration.
  • Create various elements by using the many creative tools at your disposal. Including Dynamic Display Ads & HTML5 creation tools, Audio Mixer, Dynamic Audio tools, and YouTube’s Director Mix, which was previously limited to a handful of advertisers, will be available for use in Ads Creative Studio.

However, something to note is that this feature will only be available to advertising agencies at this point as Ads Creative Studio is a tool intended to be used by entire teams working on various projects.  Hopefully, this will become universally available to the public, but as of now, your digital agency will have to apply for it. 

Get Started Today

Overall, the platform is perfect for companies and agencies that need to share assets across multiple teams and benefit from the use of the various tools at their disposal. The Ads Creative Studio is designed to improve collaboration between creative and media teams, so if your company needs collaboration tools, I would suggest signing up today.

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