How To Write for Humans in the Age of AI

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) can write news articles, research papers, and even poetry, you might be wondering, “Is the human element in content creation becoming obsolete?” The answer is a resounding “No.” 

As AI continues to infiltrate various aspects of our lives, the need for authentic, human-centric content is more crucial than ever. Why? Because while AI can analyze data at an incomprehensible speed, it still fails to understand our emotions, our unique cultural nuances, or our deeply rooted needs for genuine human interaction.

Google, the gatekeeper of online information, has echoed this sentiment. In recent updates, it has emphasized the vital role of authenticity and quality in content ranking. It’s not just about ticking off search engine optimization (SEO) boxes; it’s about creating content that resonates with your audience—real people with real questions, needs, and emotions.

So, how can you align your content strategy when things are changing so quickly? How can you write content that not only ranks well in Google’s algorithm but also touches the hearts and minds of your human readers? In this blog post, we’ll explore the strategies you can employ to achieve just that. From understanding Google’s ever-changing guidelines to crafting stories that engage, this is your comprehensive guide to writing human-centric content in the age of AI.

Why Authenticity Matters to Google 

To many in the marketing industry, SEO is often seen as a formulaic approach involving keywords, backlinks, and technical elements you can tweak to appear higher in Google’s search engine results pages. However, Google is increasingly moving away from these traditional markers to place a higher emphasis on authentic content that resonates with human experiences. As John Mueller, Senior Search Analyst and Search Relations Team Lead at Google, recently stated:

“But I think now more than ever, having that authentic content that you created because you have an actual audience in mind that you know would come to it directly, that is your way forward as you try to navigate this world of how ranking systems are evolving with Google.”

This sentiment underscores Google’s primary objective, which remains to provide the most accurate and relevant answers to user queries. Yet, Google recognizes that relevance extends beyond just factual accuracy. It’s about delivering quality experiences that meet a wide range of user needs, whether they are commercial, informational, emotional, or psychological.

Defining Authenticity 

But what does “authentic” really mean when it comes to web content? At its core, authentic content is something that you believe serves a purpose to an audience. It’s about human connection, expressed through you and/or your organization’s unique voice and perspective. While AI can generate reports, analyze data, and even mimic human-like writing, it can’t replicate the human touch that makes stories relatable, content memorable, and brands trustworthy. In essence, authenticity serves as a unique selling proposition, setting you apart from competitors—both human and machine.

This doesn’t mean that traditional SEO is obsolete. Keywords and technical SEO tactics still play a role in how your content is discovered and ranked. However, these elements are now part of a larger, more holistic approach that places the user and authenticity at its core.

Quality Over Quantity: Aligning with E-E-A-T

In this ever-evolving digital environment, Google’s E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) framework serves as an essential guide for content creators looking to make authentic content that satisfies the requirements of Google’s algorithm and users. The framework offers an even more nuanced approach to evaluating content quality. Below, we unpack how focusing on quality, rather than quantity, aligns perfectly with the principles of both Google’s E-E-A-T and human-centric content creation.

Understanding Google’s E-E-A-T Guidelines

  • Experience: The newest ‘E’ in the framework stresses the value of first-hand life experience related to the content. For instance, actual user reviews can hold as much value as an expert’s opinion depending on the context.
  • Expertise: As before, Google emphasizes the importance of specialized knowledge or skills. In human-centric terms, this entails crafting content that solves problems or answers questions in a way that only an expert can. 
  • Authoritativeness: While many subjects don’t have a singular “official” authority, those that do are viewed as highly credible and reliable. Such authority can either emerge from a monopoly on specific information or be built over time through the release of comprehensive, well-referenced material.
  • Trustworthiness: Trust is earned through accurate, reliable content that benefits the user and is supported by evidence or reputable sources.

By closely aligning your content strategy with Google’s updated E-E-A-T guidelines and focusing on quality, you are well-positioned to create content that resonates with both search engines and humans. This framework is not just about meeting SEO metrics; it’s about crafting content that truly serves, educates, and respects the user, thereby boosting your success in the ever-competitive digital space.

Understanding YMYL and Its Intersection with E-E-A-T

Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) is a term Google uses to describe topics that can have a significant impact on a person’s life, health, safety, or financial security. Given the sensitive and often critical nature of these topics, the information presented in YMYL content must adhere to high standards of accuracy and reliability. This is where the principles of Expertise, Authoritativeness, Experience, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) come into play.

When it comes to YMYL content aimed at providing professional advice or factual information, a high level of expertise is non-negotiable for the content to be trustworthy. This emphasizes the need for well-researched, expert-backed content. For instance, medical advice about treatment options for certain diseases must be authored by qualified medical professionals. 

On the other hand, YMYL topics can also encompass personal experiences related to challenging life circumstances. While these types of content may not always demand formal expertise, they still need to meet E-E-A-T standards by being trustworthy, safe, and in line with well-established expert consensus. For example, a forum discussion about “living with lower back pain” can be considered in line with E-E-A-T if it’s both sincere and respectful, without disseminating misleading or dangerous advice.

Crafting Relevant Content

In the world of content creation, relevance is more than a buzzword; it’s an essential factor that can significantly impact the success of your content. Google’s guidelines underscore the importance of relevance, highlighting how content should contextually match the search queries it aims to rank for. This focus on relevance is deeply intertwined with understanding user intent. Below, we discuss the importance of relevancy according to Google’s guidelines and offer strategies for crafting content that is laser-focused on user needs and queries.

  • Search Query Matching: One of the primary elements Google uses to assess content is how closely it matches with the search queries users enter. This falls right in line with traditional SEO strategies, and the more relevant your content is to a query, the higher it will likely rank. This is about more than using a keyword exactly as a searcher types it, however. Rather, it’s about the context of the words used and the relevance to the content as a whole.
  • Content Depth and Breadth: Google values content that not only mirrors the search query’s contextual relevance but goes beyond to cover the topic comprehensively. This could involve answering sub-questions related to the main query or providing additional resources for further reading. It is important not to configure this principle with content length — a piece of content can be comprehensive without being excessively long.
  • Up-to-date Information: In fast-evolving fields, the relevance of information can lose its value or even become incorrect over time. Google’s guidelines explicitly state the importance of keeping content current, especially for YMYL topics, where outdated information could have serious implications.

Strategies for Crafting Relevant Content

  • Understand User Intent: Before writing, try to understand what users are seeking. Are they looking for a quick answer, a detailed guide, or a comparative review? Tools like Google’s “People also ask” box or keyword research tools that provide user questions can offer valuable insights.
  • Tailored Solutions: Create content that directly addresses the user’s problems or questions. Use subheadings, bullet points, and summaries to make the content easily skimmable for people looking for quick answers while also providing in-depth sections for those seeking comprehensive information.
  • Question-Answer Format: Consider using a question-and-answer format for some of your content. This aligns well with voice search and featured snippets on Google, making your content accessible to a broader range of search queries.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: These are highly specific keyword phrases that, while not frequently searched for, can be highly relevant to the user’s query. Incorporating long-tail keywords not only makes your content more likely to match with specialized queries but can also increase conversion metrics.
  • Multi-format Content: Sometimes relevance can be medium-specific. A blog post might be perfect for one user, while another prefers a video explanation. Offering your content in multiple formats can cater to different user preferences, increasing its overall relevance to your visitors.
  • User Feedback: One of the best ways to ensure relevancy is by listening to your audience. Use comment sections, surveys, and social media interactions to gather insights into what your audience finds relevant and valuable.

By aligning your content strategies with the relevancy principles laid out in Google’s guidelines and tuning into user intent, you’re better positioned to create human-centric content. This alignment not only increases the likelihood of your content ranking well but also ensures that it genuinely serves the needs and solves the problems of your audience, which is the ultimate goal of human-centric content creation.

As AI technologies are increasingly shaping the digital landscape, the need for human-centric content has never been more pressing. The challenge lies not just in adhering to Google’s ever-evolving algorithms but in forging a genuine connection with your audience. By focusing on authenticity, gaining a deep understanding of your audience, and crafting relevant content, you pave the way for not just higher SEO rankings but also for meaningful human engagement.

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