Case Studies

These case studies illustrate the tremendous value we bring our clients. Is your story next?

Protech - PPC Case Study

A collaborative shift in strategy – trading efficiency for volume – has led to a 25% increase in revenue year over year.
THE CHALLENGE: is an online retailer that sells specialty roofing, construction, and plumbing products. A longtime advertiser with JumpFly, they were looking to scale their business and drive more revenue.


We found that a lot of our campaigns on the shopping network were both exceeding our ROAS goals while also being limited by budgets. JumpFly’s recommendation was to simultaneously slightly lower our ROAS goals while increasing budgets across the shopping network. Trading in some efficiencies for a greater increase in overall volume. 


By upgrading our shopping campaigns bid strategies from Manual CPC to Target ROAS we were able to utilize Google smart bidding tools to help us scale while still maintaining some levers of control and visibility.

This enabled us to target the appropriate audience with the right products, resulting in optimal returns. We’ve seen continued success in increasing revenue on a year over year basis. Over a 7 year period we achieved an average annual revenue increase of approximately 25%.


Since Optimizing with JumpFly:


Average Annual Revenue Increase*


Average Annual Sales Increase*


Average Order Value Increase**

* Over a 7 Year Period
** Comparing Jan-May 2024 to Jan-May 2023

"It's important as advertisers that we don't become hyper focused on chasing efficiency to the point where we miss out on opportunities to scale revenue and help our clients achieve true sustainable growth."

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